Planner Purge Challenge & Free Printable
Updated: Sep 23, 2021

The whole month of March I've committed to decluttering and minimizing my belongings. And I've realized that one place where a lot of clutter can accumulate is your planner. It goes with you everywhere and basically runs your life. Before you know it you've got inserts in there that you haven't used, notes from months ago, post its with your scribbles on them, or 30 day challenges that have come and gone. With tons of accessories to personalize each planner you're bound to collect more than enough clips, stickers, embellishments, die cuts, note cards, pens, and more. You may think that everything is compact and contained so what's the harm? However, a messy planner = a messy life. It's important to keep things relevant in your planner as well as maintain a system that works efficiently so that you can get the most out of it.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who can be lazy when it comes to what I carry in my planner. This is likely why you don't see a ton of flip-throughs of my planners on Instagram. I seem to find an order that I like and stick to that for several months. Of course, that means my inserts get outdated and things accumulate that I no longer need on an everyday basis. I've gotten better, I tend to go through my planner every couple months and clear out what I don't need but I wanted to create a more thorough step by step guide that could help. That's where this challenge comes in.

The challenge is meant to not only shrink your planner a little bit but also to help you recognize what about your current system is or is not working. We're talking the whole shebang. Some tasks make you work through what's in your current planner, while others force you to look at your tools and extra items that magically seem to be accumulating. At the end of the challenge I hope you feel a little lighter, see your goals and plans a little clearer, and love your planner even more than you already do.

I'm challenging you to go through your planner and minimize as much as you can! If you're up for it, download the free printable using the links below. In it you'll find 15 tasks to go through that will help you to purge your planner. Tackle the challenge over 15 days, or all in one. Do what's right for you!
After you're done, post a picture on Instagram showing all of the planner stuff you've gotten rid of. Be sure to tag me in your photos using @eoedits and use the #plannerpurge so we can see everyone's progress!