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6 Month Goal Review

Just like that 2020 is halfway through. Actually more than halfway now because I'm late to the party. Some people are probably rejoicing that this crazy year is nearly over while others might be freaking out as the year slips away and they haven't achieved their goals yet. I find it's always helpful to review and refocus on your goals with a mid-year check in. It's the kick in the butt we all need to get back on track.


So the first step is to check in. Remind yourself of your goals. How are you doing? Is there anything that needs to be changed? If there is, that's okay! Set new goals if you have to, revise old goals, and write out an action plan to get things done in the next 6 months.


Schedule anything you need to in regards to your goals, to do lists, and appointments. Think of all of the things that you've been putting off - the dentist, general check ups, car maintenance, or if you're like me, a hair cut! Check those items off as soon as you can so you can focus on those bigger picture goals.


If you haven't already, write out a master to do list of anything and everything. This is different than your goals list. It could be things to do, people to see, places to go, friends and family to check in with. Keep it somewhere handy to prompt daily action.


Not always the most fun to do but necessary. Check in with your finances. Review how you did in the first half of 2020 and be prepared to revise for the next 6 months. For me, summer always tends to be a little more expensive since we tend to go out a bit more and fit in a few vacations, however that's not happening this year :(


My favorite step! I try to declutter every 6 months no matter what. It's amazing and down right shocking what you can accumulate in just that short amount of time. Grab The Lifestyle Cleanse and go through your stuff. Keep in mind that this doesn't have to be about throwing things out. Sometimes life just needs a little organizing. You'll feel so good when you have a clean slate.


Life gets busy. I don't have to tell you that. No matter how good your intentions are, you can't always stick to your routine, but it's always good to refocus and get back to it. Take a look at your daily and weekly routines that you have set in place and see where you can improve. This could include meal prepping, outfit planning, exercising first thing in the morning. Alternatively, if you don't have a routine set up already, now is a great time to start one!


Scroll through your Pinterest boards or take a look at your 2020 mood board that you created at the beginning of the year. Revisit your word for the year, motivate yourself to get back to living the life you want and have dreamed of. Or - create a new board if life is looking a little different than you imagined at the beginning of the year. Come up with a new word for the rest of 2020, commit to your goals, manifest success, visualize your future, and focus on the positive. That's more important now than ever before. Take a long hard look at the way you've been living. What have you been neglecting? What have you been putting off? It's time to put yourself first.

There you have it. A 7 step process to review your goals and where you're at halfway through the year. Or a little more (oops). The point is, it's never too late to step back, reflect, and refocus your intentions. Self-reflection, though not always the easiest to swallow, is a necessary step to success. Good luck with the rest of 2020!!






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